Case Study

Higher Education Institution


The Challenge

To design a learning roadmap for staff using blended solutions (eLearnings, Interactive Theater, Open-Dialogue sessions) on Allyship in Action.

Ibis Solution

Ibis designed and delivered customized eLearnings, Interactive Theater sessions and a series of Open Dialogue facilitated sessions focused on Allyship in Action. All content was customized to align with University’s DEI strategy & learning roadmap.

The Results

Thousands of staff campus-wide attended the sessions with a high-level of engagement. Participants walked away with personal action plans for inclusive behaviors & actions within their spheres of influence.

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Ibis offers a variety of different solutions to help your organization reach it's DEI goals.

With results backing the success of our initiatives, our strategic approach has led us to being a recognized leader in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion.